Master Seung's World Class Tae Kwon Do | martial arts near me | 1273 E Draper Pkwy, Draper, UT, USA
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Provide high quality martial arts instruction!!!

Encouraging and supporting each other empowers our joyful martial arts journey !!!

Mom, dad, brothers, sisters, and everyone can participate and enjoy together!!!

TAE   KWON   DO   IT !!!

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Year End Special

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World Class Mission

To Provide the highest quality martial arts instruction.

To Empower our students with valuable skills for daily life.

To Contribute a safe and peaceful community.

Together We Can Make A Difference !


“Our kids have the potential to go above and beyond what their parents expect. Here at Master Seung's Taekwondo, we're the place that unlocks that potential."

​Discover Master Seung:
Reviews from his students!


Master Seung's
World Class Tae Kwon Do

We are located at 1273 East Draper Pkwy.

Welcome at all times ~!!!!


Mon - Fri



2:00pm - 9:00pm

Appointment available

Appointment available

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801 -759 - 5300

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Master Seung's World Class Tae Kwon Do provides martial arts classes to Draper, Sandy, Cotton wood & White city communities

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